
The Perfect School Campus:

The location of a school has an enormous significance and it should be set up in a suitable atmosphere. The ambience is calm, spacious with good amenities and utilities in a visually appealing landscape. Equipped with Internet and technological systems to support learning, classrooms lend an exposure to students on a global platform.

Smart Classrooms

““Learn and lead create and innovate.”

The backbone of any school’s infrastructure is the classroom. The emergence of new technologies pushes educators to understand and leverage their technologies for classroom use. Digital classroom solution provides interactive, visual simulations to aid in teaching simple and complex concepts in almost every subject for almost every class. We impart knowledge through innovative teaching methodologies.


It plays an important part in the learning process of the school as it’s a counterpart of the school’s infrastructure.

One of the most important and inedible, skill that students learn at school is reading. It helps in broadening the mind and imparting more knowledge to the students. The amazing library at ABS Global Smart School features an exclusive collection of the best books, magazines, journals and other publications that will help different age groups of students in our school.

Science Lab

Our science lab is well equipped with kits to support our students and teachers to carry out the learning process through practical classes.We have a Physics, Chemistry and Biology laboratory. Our labs are well equipped and modeled to generate inquisitiveness and experiential learning. We have taken adequate measures to ensure safety while using the lab equipments.

Computer Lab

The computer labs are well equipped with latest computers and internet connections. Computer science as a subject is taught for Classes I to X and the students are given opportunity to gain knowledge and develop their skills through practical classes. Technology has seen many advancements and the children of today are more adept in embracing them quickly. With that in mind, we have amply provided our computer lab with the latest hardware, software and connectivity. Every student would have access to the computer and all the tools required to make it a fun and an exploratory learning experience.

Math Lab

We have a separate Mathematics lab to help the students to further their knowledge in this field of study. This lab also assists them in learning math in an experiential mode. Adequate kits and tools are provided to facilitate their conceptual learning and kindling analytical thinking. Our Math teachers would guide the children in their path to master this subject.

Art Studio

Art and craft is a very important part of our curriculum. Adequate facilities and equipments are provided to aid the the children in their learning. Our Teachers are specialists in this field and help the children to learn and enhance their creativity.

Music Studio

Music is an integral part of our curriculum. We have trained music teachers to help the children learn the basics and advanced forms of vocal singing. A separate area is provided for the children to learn and practice music without any disturbance from the external environment.

Yoga hall

A separate Yoga hall is provided to practise this Indian spiritual and ascetic discipline. Yoga is believed to help in controlling mind, body and soul. We teach breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures, which is widely practised for health and relaxation. Our Yoga teachers are well trained and have been practising this form for many years. Our children would benefit from their knowledge and experience.

IT infrastructure

Our IT infrastructure covers the entire facility, especially all the learning areas. Every classroom, lab, studio, the library, staff rooms and office room are equipped with computers. Adequate printers and photocopiers are provided for office use. Our school is provided with internet facility for use by the teaching and non-teaching staff as well as our computer labs. All these equipments are provided with appropriate software and maintained by our IT team, with the required safety restrictions in place.

Safety measures

We have a round the clock coverage by our security officers. Our school is fitted with security cameras covering all the classrooms, labs, studios, activity rooms, play area and any other strategic points. Fire extinguishers are installed at all vantage points following the fire and safety guidance. School would also follow a mock fire-drill and educate the children on all safety aspects.


Our school has a play ground to enable our students to indulge in sports, games and physical training to keep them physically fit, while creating a vibrant environment for the growth of the children.

Play area

The spacious kids play area is provided with some of the best quality equipments and play materials to keep the kids cheerful and buoyant with energy. Utmost care has been taken to ensure these are safe for the use of the kids.

Bus facility

Our school provides bus services to the children who prefer to avail this facility. Our buses are fitted with security cameras and GPS. They go through periodic inspections and well maintained by experienced staff. Each bus is provided with a Pilot (Drivers) and Captains/Nannies (Assistants) to ensure safety and discipline while travelling. Due care is taken to ensure that the children are dropped off at the right location and are picked up by their parents, guardians or designated person after verification of ID cards, provided by the school.

Parent app

Our school operates a parent app. and all communications to parents would be notified through this app. Parents’ mobile nos. are interfaced to this app. to update about the journey of their child in our school along with updates on attendance, home work, class notes, events, marks, etc. This app. also provides the parents with opportunity to provide feedback to the school whenever they choose, which in turn would be promptly acted upon. This tool facilitates an engaged/integrated association between the parent and the school.


Our schools will have a clinic in the campus to provide first aid along with initial nursing assessments and primary care to sick patients until they are entrusted to their parents with due care for further treatment.